Posts Tagged Cthulhu
Meanwhle, Quite Far Away
Ah, the power of writing. Now that the location is outside of our space-time continuum, I can delay resolving last week’s cliffhanger as long as I want! (Or at least until I figure out how to get our heroes out[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Pranksters in Darkness
Here was another chance for me to draw expressive tentacles and protoplasm. Did you know I designed these critters in about an hour? And yet I think they came out just about perfect. Yithro, a member of the Great Race[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Welcome to the Grand Opening of Miskatonic U (the webcomic; the university has been around a bit longer)! It’s the story of Winston Coward, a panphobic freshman (Class of 1915) who worries about every mundane aspect of college: classes, learning[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…